Ed Schultz is a better man than I. I'm sure it's all he can do to control himself and not scream at X-congressman Joe S. "SHUT THE F UP YOU F-ING LIAR!" OR look how he controls him self from reaching across the table and SLAPPING THE SHITE out Joe and whothefuckever so called "republican" is sitting there and spouting more right wing racist talking points about us never being attacked in 71/2 years of the Bush Junta. They NEVER seem to remember the going ons of Sept. 11th 200. So they LIE EVERYDAY when they say "The Bush admin. and those interrogation techniques kept us safe for 7+1/2 years" Again, we were not SAFE for the whole 8! WE should be reminding them that EVERYDAY.1
About Morning Joe
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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