Saturday, May 30, 2009

Palin Spokeswoman Clarifies On Colbert Trip [UPDATED]

She'S a freak. TOTALLY thinks she's gettin' back. WABA's (Republican- Weird Ass Born Agains) are beyond Grinch like.
About Stephen Colbert
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, May 29, 2009

Sotomayor Pick Sparks Race Divide In GOP

Hey, Weinerdog! Why don't you write an article on why these racist, sexist, "people" hating, so called "News Journalist"; ", white American power structure.." (Bill-shit O'Really's ranting self describing quote to John McCain) are becoming TOTALLY obsolete; or one would hope. When are decent human beings going to start shunning and ignoring the Fascist Fox Faux News(?) and the Racist Rush while pointing out (by screaming EVERY TIME) the LIES Newt and his long time companion and life partner in mendacity, Karl Rove, propagandize EVERYDAY. Why give ANYTIME and why not marginalize ANYONE who is trying to hinder or stop ALL of us going FOWARD with a better life? (Hopefully) Making a more advantageous and stronger America. Weinerdog Weinerdog WEINER-DOG!!! YOU can do it! YOU want to do it! So tell Za Za to FULLY back you on this OR I fear I won't be able to help her when Madame Guillotine and the REAL revolution finally arrives. Really folks, it's not just up to Rachel start attacking these "Braggadocio's" and twisted miserly "ARYANS" for who the really are. (Tho, c'mon Weinerdog, you are already IN the doll-house, so LEAD!) Remember, as much as I (we?) appreciate Za Za for her "Huffington Post" THOSE GUYS, are or were HER FRIENDS. I hope not her "kind", dig?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, May 24, 2009

"Pointing the finger.." OR Lessons learned from an old Punker by Mister Zip

Remember the lesson your Mother, or a teacher in elementary school, tried to teach you (and yes that includes the substitute with the fat hanging off her arm and wiggling as she wrote on the chalk board...) "...Whenever you point your finger at some some one, you have THREE fingers* pointing back at you!"

Take the talking points and rhetoric coming from the "right", republicans, neocons, tea baggers, homophobes, some so called "independents", and your basic greedy fascist and/or racist; I watched the always well informed and exceptional "realist" Ed Schultz, from MSNBC and AIR AMERICA, defend President Obama against the WHOLE cast of MORNING JOE. (a show that seems more FASCIST FOX FAUX NEWS" than the MSNBC that runs it, weekday mornings at 6:00 am) Joe Scarborough, the X-congressman (republican Florida) and in the past a FOX NEWS neo-contributor, at least 4 times a show refers to President Obama and his White House administration as always communicating with "Self riotous indignation". He does it better than most, but Joe Scar-bro and his collaborators from the "right" continuously and persistently POINTS THEIR FINGER* and PROJECTS about the Obama White House, liberals, the left, "Demo-crats" the "FAR LEFT MEDIA" and anybody that join their prayer group;ANYTHING (well, 98%) the "right" says about the Obama White House or "The Radical Far Left and its Media" is PROJECTION. In almost every debate, argument or cable "NEWS" political talk show, they the "right", PROJECTS almost all the horrible shite they do, have done and represent. (well, 98%) Applaud. For THEY are the KINGS of EQUIVOCATION. They get HUGE points for mendacity; from a calculated, preconceived plan, for CRIMINALLY going to war, to elitist like negative nastiness EVERY NIGHT as KARL ROVE farts up the air waves with Fox Faux News Grand Wazoo, Mr. Bill O'Reilly, spewing their noxious lies about Obama being "Arrogant"; which is also a republican/right wing racist code word for "UPPITY NIGRA". REMEMBER PUNKERS: "Whom ever smelt it, dealt it!". It is all PROJECTION. This is how they work both (un)consciously and subconsciously: Everything (well,98%) WE were being called "Un-American" for (IE: the Patriot act) by republicans and Fox "News" talking heads, they the "right" turn around to fit their pedantic fundamentalist fascist neocon way of life. The Bush junta with help from Fox News Mr. Bill-shit O'Really, offered a self-authenticating document to be used as a talking points memo along with (IE:Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan) along with a McCarthy like black list to engage on a witch hunt on and off air, by labeling true, democratic, healthy American (along with English and other Euro-union folk) dissenters, "Haters of America", "Far left Loons" and yes, traitors. All the while WE, millions of Americans, marching before and after the start of the RAVAGING of Iraq in 2003, on the so called "left" were trying to point out (understatement) the obvious illegal wrongs of the mighty Boosh regime; "SELF RIOTOUS INDIGNATION" was the opprobrium of the Cheney/Bush mob from day 1. Dig: burning the Kyoto agreement and perhaps taking another decade off the lives of our "Grandchildren and their Grandchildren's Grandchildren." (You know, for the kids!) by halting and humiliating ANY universal, national or public GREEN and/or Global Warming works, legislation and/or discussion. More IGNOMINY: Ruining our already over valued and inflated economy AND at the same time putting BILLIONS of working class $dollars$ in the pockets of THEMSELVES and their friends by DE-REGULATING energy and ALL other "public trust" they could, by misinformation, propaganda, FEAR and/or any means necessary. Last Sept.'s cerebral hemorrhage of our economy was premiered, a few years before, with a GALA EVENT by KEN LAY (whom, I believe to be STILL alive) and the ENRON La Costa Nostra. Need I point out the early 2001 Bush administrations privately held, Cheney run, closed door "energy meetings" staring President Bush's self described best friend "Kenny Boy" Lay? And here's some WAR CRIMES folks! Just to show you nothings changed from the beginning of out country, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal: WAR PROFITEERING just like during and right after the revolutionary war. A "Declaration of Independence" and a "constitution" that made sure working and lower class Americans (the poor) and ex-soldiers were in ECONOMIC SERVITUDE with purposely implemented, slave like philosophies and LAWS. For example, I give you a fact, NOT an opinion: Take the Judeo-Christian fantasy (faith?) for the southern slave, the white in indentured servant and the aboriginal North American SAVAGE "..suffer on earth and after death, sit with Jesus at the right hand of God, while partaking in the riches of heaven" and turn it into perhaps the 2nd greatest fraud and maybe even a better hustle put upon millions of people IN and OUT of our borders "The American Dream" fantasy (faith?) where you work, starve, suffer, fight and die, all for another mans success, wealth and comfort, because, like HIM (your "better") YOUR VOTE COUNTS! (kind of) And since "all men are created equal" ONE DAY you may, get to be like "them" the "quality" a land owner, the gentry, rich and prosperous! This was a deliberate and intended plan from the FATHERS of OUR country. (well, 98% of them. Look it up for yourselves kids!) 225 years later, things socio/politicly haven't changed THAT much (tho, a "brother" in the white house is in a way, bad-ass; or is it?) Besides TORTURE, we should be trying to prosecute Dick Cheney (and others) for what he made MILLIONS of dollars at AND we also prosecuted people after World War Two for the SAME THING. Again, war profiteering: HALLIBURTON, where VP Cheney was ALSO VP, were awarded no-bid contracts for MOST the work during and after the invasion of Iraq. Is it coincidence they also had them after the 1st Iraq/Gulf war during Bush the elders regime that Cheney was secretary of defense of? The day AFTER Clinton was inaugurated, disallowing Bush sr. 2nd term, Cheney was then made Halliburton's VP, putting tens of millions of dollars in his pocket just DAYS after Halliburton was given the NO-BID contracts to clean up Saddam's oil field smoke (it WAS bad) worth HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars! Then there's Halliburton's abortion KBR, who not just stole, but thru negligence, murdered THEN stole more! How about BLACKWATER? If you DON'T want to believe me, study it YOURSELF. Here's MORE shame and although no some on the right accuse Bush for SPENDING to much (tho not on the war) and dirtying the conservative "way" we can't have health care for ALL (that IS barbaric) because of the unacknowledged SHAME of allowing TENS of THOUSANDS of Corporations to MOVE OFF SHORE thus losing in LOST TAX REVENUE of over $1.2 TRILLION dollars. This started w/Newt Gingrich's tea leaf readings to do so in 1999 with the coming of a right wing republican government, based on, literally, shamefully ousting, (with the help of YES, Fox "News" and born again church leaders across the nation) out of the sexual deviant Clinton and ALL the democratic party leaders that are in the "heartland" red states of America.; then bringing the dinosaur disavowing George W. Bush and a once again "MORAL" America. Please TRY to remember punkers, the shameful propaganda you hear goose stepping from the right EVERYDAY is "Obama's bankrupting our Grandchildren by turning us into SOCIALIST nation!" tho we were ALREADY bankrupted by 30 years of the "right" except for 2 (TWO) years when Clinton was not overwhelmed with a republican congress and/or senate. But perhaps the MOST shameful, is the republican projection of "SAFETY" to the country and "THEY" are the only ones that have done it and CAN do it, though, Sept. 11th 2001 happened when? And how many warnings did you have from inside YOUR admin? Their odd sense of factual events and responsibility is marked by their odd sense of history and shamefully their perceived REALITY. People in congress, in the senate and the talking heads on TV should be screaming at republicans now in congress and the senate, Fox "News" lying heads, republicans OUSTED from the congress and senate along with dishonorable EX speakers of the house and maybe MOST importantly, EX-VICE PRESIDENTS who should be told in no uncertain terms "Sit the fuck down down and shut the fuck up. You've protected NO-ONE but your self. You haven't even protected those poor folks that vote and cheer for you, black or gay Republican, the right wing working christian, the middle class neocon/ditto-head/Fox News Fan, though you have kept them down ALL YOU COULD, afflicted with Stockholm syndrome and they can't get help psychologically because you've helped ruin them economically and with ANY sense of reality and/or justice. Your shameful premeditation, besides the ILLEGAL war and Geneva convention crimes you perpetrated, is proven by the first few days of executive action in the Bush white house, implemented by EX-Vice President, the Dick Cheney, and again as shameful as anything could be, EXCLUDING the MOST SHAMEFUL, the trying to blame YOUR dereliction of duty, carelessness, heedlessness, unconcern, laxity, slackness and irresponsibility, leading to the events on Sept. 11th 2001, is the STALIN like, disdain of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Treaty. Look it up people! They tried to fix it so NO American, far be it a rich, right leaning political one, can be taken to The Hague and tried for WAR CRIMES. (unless of course, when they want to throw lower working class U.S. soldiers under the bus for following the old chestnut "I was just following orders" which at Abu Ghraib prison, was proven they were!) So, look Joe, the Scar-bro, it ain't opinion, it's a fact: SELF RIOTOUS INDIGNATION, WAS the Bush doctrine and IS the doctrine of ANYONE on the "right". (Well, 98+44/100%) The White House's "SELF RIOTOUS INDIGNATION" Obama's "ARROGANCE"? Wow, YOU guys ARE "Looking in the mirror", Pointin' fingers while many, MANY, point right back at you. Shameful man, shameful.

Mister Zip is a DJ with his co-host Jason O'Gulihur of "The Orphanage (international)" you can hear him and his co-host rant, rave, play the best in "counter-pop" insult callers (PARTICIPATE! 415-341-1199!) and give lessons in the history of "PUNKER-DOM" on Pirate Cat Radio 87.9 You can read his SOCIO/POLITICO SICKO/SEXUAL essays on the PCR blog by going to this link :

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ed Schultz Defends Obama Against Entire Cast Of <i>Morning Joe</i> (VIDEO)

Ed Schultz is a better man than I. I'm sure it's all he can do to control himself and not scream at X-congressman Joe S. "SHUT THE F UP YOU F-ING LIAR!" OR look how he controls him self from reaching across the table and SLAPPING THE SHITE out Joe and whothefuckever so called "republican" is sitting there and spouting more right wing racist talking points about us never being attacked in 71/2 years of the Bush Junta. They NEVER seem to remember the going ons of Sept. 11th 200. So they LIE EVERYDAY when they say "The Bush admin. and those interrogation techniques kept us safe for 7+1/2 years" Again, we were not SAFE for the whole 8! WE should be reminding them that EVERYDAY.1
About Morning Joe
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Cheney's Speech: Obama "Deserves An Answer" (TRANSCRIPT, VIDEO)

He's that guy that losses his mind over being "ding dong ditched".
About Dick Cheney
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Cheney's Speech: Obama "Deserves An Answer" (TRANSCRIPT, VIDEO)

Why does this liar and abuser of power to the American people have ANY say or ANY time on the tube? He's doing NOTHING to help our country out of this horrible situation after (almost) being totally bankrupt, Geo politicly and financially (definitely spiritually too) over the past 8 years by a corrupt regime. Oh, that WAS him, right...I still don't understand why folks aren't screaming for him to SHUT THE F UP!
About Dick Cheney
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Stephen Colbert Talks Branson, Childhood, And His Middle East Trip On Letterman (VIDEO)

He's the only republican I would sleep with, and not have to a "kill+dump" when spent.
About David Letterman
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Radio Slot for The Orphanage (intl) Not Set Yet. Folks Scream "WHY!!?"

The Orphanage (intl) (with your Host Jason O'Gulihur and Mister Zip), is an audience participation/call in show, dealing with music, punkerdom and the socio/politico sicko/sexual questions of YOUR life! Tho, not regularly schedule yet, filled in Monday the 18th of May two thousand ought nine from 2-4 in the afternoon and had a riotously rude time about it! Monday WAS a good show but there's NO way to find it on the PCR 87.9 website. The Orphanage (intl) fills in constantly for other dj's but for some reason PCR will NOT give The Orphanage (intl) a regular time slot. WHY? Send in your e-mails and ask WHY? WHY? WHY? "OH MY FUCKING LORD WHY!!??" The Orphanage (intl) where EVERYONE can feel like a Punker! (or, that they're being punked) The play list was as thus:

Mister Zip T.O.(intl) Intro/w Song + The News PCR 87.9 Podcast

The Sex Pistols Liar Never mind The Bollocks

The Damned Love Song Machine Gun Etiquette

The Modern Lovers Roadrunner The Modern Lovers

The Velvet Underground The Gift White Light/White Heat

Roxy Music Re-Make Re-Model Roxy Music

David Bowie Queen Bitch Hunky Dory

The Orphans (intl) I'll Love You in Hell The Orphans Get Adopted

The Beatles Tomorrow Never Knows Revolver

The Pointed Man What's he Building in There? Mule Variations

Mister Zip of The Orphanage (intl) PCR Comercial For "The League Of Pissed Off Voters!"

Tom Waits Big In Japan Mule Variations

Tom Waits Cemetery Polka Rain Dogs

The Bad Little Bitch Get Him Back Unreleased

Black Francis Sevn Fingrs The Seuss

Mark Mothersberg Ping Island/Lightning Strike Op. The Life Aquatic w/Steve Zisou

Roxy Music The Thrill Of It All Country Life

Iggy + The Stooges Search and Destroy Raw Power

The Modern Lovers She Cracked The Modern Lovers

The White Stripes Fell In Love With A Girl White Blood Cells

Jesus and Mary Chain Just Like Honey Lost In Translation Soundtrack

Beck Gamma Ray Modern Guilt

Sigur Rós Starálfur Ágætis Byrjun

Portishead Glory Box Dummy

Mr. Bob Harris Spiderman! Spiderman TV Show 1967

The Velvet Underground Stephanie Says VU

Robert Zimerman Sub' Homesick Blues Bringing It All Back Home

Cowboy Junkies Sweet Jane The Trinity Session

Beck The Golden Age Sea Change

The White Stripes There's No Home Here.. Elephant

Hank Willams Sr. Lost Highway Single

Jimmie Rodgers Waitin' For A Train The Singin' Brakeman! (1928)

T Rex Life's A Gas Electric Warrior

Al Hirt The Green Hornet The Green Hornet TV Theme Song

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How Greta Van Susteren Saved Ana Marie Cox's Life On Amtrak Train

Justifiably so. And mostly for YOU and YOUR kind! Go ruin another country! Oh yeah, you guys have, many times. Most recently, (besides ours, These United States that WE and our president are trying so desperately to save) Iraq. Then there's a bunch of countries in central America your "Idol" and evil idiot Ronnie Ray-gun ruined. You guys SHOULD secede...we'll give you a (re-education) "PRAYER STATE" just for you far righties and fundamentalist who have NO RIGHT laying your archaic sky God propaganda on anybody or ANYTHING coming close to our day to day life. If you can't help, and we wish you would, shut up and/or BAIL and GO to your new "Prayer State"...don't come out tho!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

How Greta Van Susteren Saved Ana Marie Cox's Life On Amtrak Train

Hook mouth is good for somethin' after all.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

PLAYLIST for The Orphanage (intl) filling in for "Post Punk 4 Post Punx" 05/11/09

The orphanage (intl) w/Mister Zip and Jason O'Gulihur filled in for a swine flu-ish Alex and "Post Punk for Post Punks". Jason and Mister Zip play the great songs of Punker-dom thru the ages running with the theme of "What is bad-ass? Whatever I say!" and what was being played, while TRYING to get laid, 30 years ago tonight, for the first hour + 1/2 while the last 1/2 hour was "What's Bad-ass BECAUSE of the influence of PUNKER-DOM, in song, after 1981." The Orphanage (intl) will continue with the History of Punker-dom and "What is Bad-ass" along with call in participation in a brutal "talk radio" like format on the socio/politico sicko/sexual discussion/arguments of today. LOOK and HEAR for The Orphanage (intl) Mister Zip (the Punker) COMING SOON to Pirate Cat Radio!

Artist Song album

The Orphans (intl) Orphanage (Intl) Theme song (w/News) The Orphanage(intl) Podcast

Sex Pistols Liar Never Mind The Bollocks

The Damned Love song Machine Gun Etiquette

The Modern Lovers Roadrunner The Modern Lovers

The Velvet Underground The Gift White light/White Heat

Roxy Music Re-Make Re-Model The Early Years

The Stooges Search And destroy Raw Power

Black Randy+The Metro Squad I Slept In A Arcade Pass the Dust,I think I'm Bowie

Detox Dance Stupid Detox

Mark Mothersbaugh Ping Island/Lightning Strike The Life Aquatic

Franz Shubert trio in E Flat Opus 100 The Hunger Soundtrack

Tom Waits Big In Japan Mule Variations

The Orphans (intl) I'll Love You In Hell The Orphans Get Adopted

Black Francis Svn Fngrs The Seus

The Bad Lil' Bitch Get Him Back Unreleased

The White Stripes Fell In Love W/A Girl White Blood Cells

Yeah Yeah Yeahs Art Star Fever To Tell

Sigur Ros Starafur Agatis Byrjun

Mr. Bob Harris Spiderman! TV Show Theme Song

Roxy Music Casanova Country Life

Tom Waits What's He Building In There? Mule Variations

The Jesus and Mary Chain Just Like Honey Psycocandy

In The Leonard Cohen The Chelsea Hotel Love Songs

Hank Willams Sr. Lost Highway Dark Country

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hundreds Protest Karl Rove's Fundraiser For Anti-EFCA Group

I don't understand? Is not this LYING FREAK the epitome of a union buster? He's not a journalist and to even thinly suggest so is testicle rot; that he may suffer with NOW!
About Karl Rove
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, May 11, 2009

Obama, Sykes, Limbaugh Slated To Be Today's Media Obsession

NO. But the rest of us (and pretty much EVERYBODY in media, 'cept Pirate Cat Radio 87.9 in Frisco) don't go far enough; with him or those totally UN-AMERICAN liars at the Fascist Fox Faux News. They should be BRUTALIZED and/or SHUNNED from all, that want the best from their country.
About Wanda Sykes
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Texas Charging Rape Victims For Rape Kits (VIDEO)

Well, think about it, Tex-ass folks, Like Sara Palin are much of the same Ilk...most think rape victims should read like this: "rape" victims. They think most "asked for it" and then you have to remember the all incompesing "Gods Will" clause. I say make Tex-ass (and Oklahoma and/or Montana, maybe the lower 1/2 of Alaska?) a RE-EDUCATIONAL PRAYER STATE where the Sara Palin "types" go and live with Fox and the 700 club (only) are blasted 24/7 and you don't have to leave (or preferably CAN'T) to be infected by the sinful, communist and the messagenation of what was once a GREAT America (pre-Kennedy)....I took those words right from Bill-shit O'Really and his "show"; fits POI-fectly, don't it!
About Sexual Violence
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Letterman Takes On Cheney For Attacking Obama (VIDEO)

Tea baggers dude. Tea baggers and straight up racist slaves; and 99+34/100 of them have Stockholm Syndrome. Those people and of course 700 club folks (same thing) that's who...dig?
About David Letterman
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Waterboard Dick!!!

Dude, you're NO Josh Lyman. It's such a shame when you wake up to relies an actor, playing a GENIUS part, thinks he IS that genius character and starts to sound off in the socio/politico world! Dude, I agree with you, but, again, you're NO Josh Lyman.
About Celebs Talk Politics
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, May 1, 2009