Thursday, July 30, 2009

Reporter Leaves Driehaus Breakfast Fundraiser Hungry

Scum. For REAL change, It's time for Madame Guillotine.
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The Unteachable Lesson: Can We Learn From Gates and Crowley?

It's the insane or institutionally hateful (not wanting to label) like Jim D. Adkisson and now after your last sentence, obviously YOU; Not-True Blue American. You're True Blue ANTI-American. Sadly, us on the left and fair minded folk on the right (lord, I hope there's some) who has put up with the far rights insanity and dare I say it: evilness, for TOO LONG. This NOT revo-, but EVOLUTION of socio/politico change bringing a more equitable American life, liberty and PURSUIT of happiness, is in a natural course for a democratic/republic. There's always ignorant haters of the old world that must DIE OFF for our society as whole to continue down a path of growth and hopefully happy destiny. So, I'll say it in a way YOU the only (laughably) "true blue americans" BRING IT ON and Semper Fi Mutha-fugga!
About Barack Obama
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Unteachable Lesson: Can We Learn From Gates and Crowley?

Since YOU are the only "True Blue American" here, again, SO WHAT! RESPECT? You don't know the meaning of the word. From your "Davis you liberal" fling, are you part of the "white, Christian, male power structure" with the man who made the statement (WITH J. McCain) Mr. Billshit O'Really of The Fascist Fox Faux News? (He's lookin' out for YOU!) Maybe you're related to a cop? I can't be TOO far off. I agree with CIVILITY all around. BUT, Officer Gates should have said "I'm sorry for the inconvenience." Period. Got in his car, and DROVE AWAY. EVEN IFS: After showing his ID (especially IN his house) Prof. Gates said "Ok, satisfied? You F-ing racist pig!" The policeman STILL should have gotten in his car and driven away. That is all. (So sorry to SEEM to racially profile you (I really do it by "class" not "race" but you're "disturbing the peace".) You're funny; tho sadly; and far from the truth.
About Barack Obama
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The Unteachable Lesson: Can We Learn From Gates and Crowley?

My "totally" was for the above(d?) 'ItHadToBeSaid". From your words (JimR) you've lived a, most likely, well insulated upper class life involved with the "..white, Christian, male power structure" or either belong to "The Fraternal Order of Police"(R) and/or you sometimes agree with Mr. Billshit O'Really and The Fascist Fox Faux News. I can't be TOO far off. (So sorry to racially profile you, but you're "disturbing the peace".) "END OF STORY. PERIOD". Funny; tho sadly, far, far from the truth.
About Barack Obama
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The Unteachable Lesson: Can We Learn From Gates and Crowley?

Agreed. BUT, so what! The policeman should have said "I'm sorry for the inconvenience." period. Got in his car, and DRIVE AWAY. I have no doubt, that Prof. Gates would have thought about HIS behavior and most likely apologized in the next day or so; Even if, AFTER the showing of his ID, especially IN his house (and maybe even on his lawn) EVEN IF: Prof. Gates would have said : "OK, satisfied? You fucking racist pig!" The policeman STILL should have gotten in his car and driven away. That is all. In the future, I believe if, PUBLIC SERVANTS, on the whole were required to take part in civility training in the dealing of all races and MORE IMPORTANTLY, all CLASSES, hopefully the people, the CITIZENS that THEY are paid to serve, would on the most part respond with similar solicitude.
About Barack Obama
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The Unteachable Lesson: Can We Learn From Gates and Crowley?

Absolutely. It happens ALL the time. Sadly, it starts in childhood and the experience of most cops in Jr. and High school, adds if not totally forms the how and why of the why and who,,,,dig? As much as it happens (everyday, over and over) to black folks it also happens to white folk; usually (but not always) POOR folk. Besides protecting there's the "serve" part. But alas, if you're from a certain socio/politico background or a specific race (and it doesn't matter, MOST of the time, if the "law enforcement" officer is black too) you are going to be in a situation that if you DO NOT acquiesce TOTALLY in body, spirit, mind AND opinion, you are at the LEAST going to be intimidated into either ass kissing, silence and/or fear for your freedom if not personal safety and/or life. I do not opine. This is a fact, from not just "information" but personal experience over almost 50 years and over and over and over again. Until this evolution of socio/politico/ECONOMICAL change, brought upon us (finally) from the gross, felonious abuses of the Cheney/Bush neo-con regime and (gratefully) the election of President Obama is truly allowed to bloom, "change" as in how folks treat other folks sans the abuse of "power", we all, more so the ones mentioned above, will continue to suffer.
About Barack Obama
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Obama's Doctor: President's Vision For Health Care Bound To Fail

..and isn't that headline an oxymoron? How can he be "worried" about "His pragmatism" ? How can his "pragmatism" be overwhelming him? Maybe the special interest (and those that gain from them...Blue Dogs and what not) are "overwhelming him" and BTW a single payer system is the ONLY way to go. Anything less, is at the least, barbaric. (but ain't that the American way? Fire the traitor.
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bill Maher Discusses Palin, Gates Arrest, Health Care Reform On CNN (VIDEO)

Skip Gates is 5'6", a HUGE difference from 5'8" (tho let us not be pedantic, for the love of Dog) and one leg shorter then the other, so without a cane, he's got that "hipster" walk. The cop was wrong as USUAL when it comes to a point of ego, power or civility. But worse, FAR FAR WORSE, is the way this is dealt with and abused by the Fascist Fox Faux News their "fair minded folks" who watch and believe the mendacity filled shows 24/7, with desperation, baited breath and "ein Volk" like nirvana of early 1930's Deustchland; Them AND the GOP. Also, indulge me and consider this: forget trying to obtain "fairness" on MSNBC; Pat Buchanan needs to go. He's as ignorant as a Fox regular, a birther, tea-bagger, squid-billy or whatever label fits for non fair minded folk filled with resentment (for whatever reason) and/or false selective memory of "the good old days. Enough coddling. I'm sorry to sound like them, but if they are going to go all out (all out, dig?) and do WHATEVER to stop this evolution of socio/politico change, SOMEONE needs to do SOMETHING.....
About CNN
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Fox Host Glenn Beck: Obama Is A "Racist" (VIDEO)

Enough of these so called "people". Someone needs to do something. (how does THAT feel?) it's SO sad that the reality is, some folks just can't behave for the good all without a thorough ASS BEATING.
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Monday, July 27, 2009

Bill O'Reilly Slams "Birther" Story But Defends Lou Dobbs's Free-Speech Rights

So Mr. Billshit O'Really acts like HE'S the voice of reason! It's gone from the "no-spin zone" to the "Liars Lounge" The only "spinner" on there is O'Really's lap dog, Juan "I'm a liberal" Williams. When will the poor (pun intended) people that watch "The O'Really Factor" wake up and see they've been bamboozled by a carney?
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Bill Maher Discusses Palin, Gates Arrest, Health Care Reform On CNN (VIDEO)

Absolutely Prof. Skip Gates got arrested for "..not kissing the officers ass." It happens ALL THE TIME! And I've seen it happen over and over again (maybe 100 times) in my almost 50 years here. Cops are supposed to SERVE the public. "It's a dangerous, crappy, thankless job!" It sure is! And yet, they take them anyway, all the time, for whatever reason. (power?) Cops, honestly, should take butler lessons. ESPECIALLY since they have guns. 99+34/100 % of the time, when a cop abuses their authority, harasses or mistakenly or purposely are in the wrong during a shooting (75% resulting in death) the force, the police unions and the REPUBLICAN RIGHT WING take their (the wrong) side. Think why no one but other cops hang out with them? And the nuts on the far right call Obama arrogant! Ever hang out with a cop? Just call it what it matter what Prof. Gates said, NO MATTER, the cop acted stupidly.
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Keith Olbermann Vacations In Cooperstown, Blogs About Baseball

Shuster's good. He's so far from the Fascist Fox Faux News, Mr. Billshit O'Really it's ridicules. Where as, the mendacity filled O'Really looks for slights and argument and actually CREATES them with a fake outrage (or, it's not fake, he just creates it out of his deranged, sick mind) while most of the so called "far left" or "liberal" guest refuse or have no time left to play his insane game! Where time and again, David Shuster has truly become the anti-spin guy. He's polite as can be 'cept when "they" won't stop. Dig him with the sister in the morning (coast time, PST) Shuster IS good. But, it's Herr Olbermann's show, who is almost great; (Cronkite, was great) and I miss worst persons in the world like I use to miss my Vicodin. And lord knows, there's been so MANY worse persons since the "Knock Out" went rogue. (K.O. dig?) Hey man, he deserves a LONG vacation. He, absolutely busts his ass.
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Monday, July 20, 2009

Bono Dodges A Hug From President Bush

Look, you guys are starting to sound like Republicans. The 1st comment to Charles the Frog is me Facetious. You have NO IDEA what I've done and sacrificed for folks with HIV (also those with ARC, AIDS and different forms of cancer; thru many, many different hospices) GWBush was, I'm sad to say, an "evil" man. A "bad" man. As bad as any African dictator or small, insane tribal/army leader that recruits children or trys to hunt down those who use "witchcraft" (IE: see Sara Palin's Preacher or see Sara Palin!) ANY "fundamentalist" of ANY religion should not be allowed in the top tiers of our government (or law makers) I know that it's wishful thinking, but at least our new president, who was elected overwhelmingly not appointed by a court, is starting to apply that thought (separation of church V. State) with action. Bono, whether you like it or night, believes that, if YOU (his fans) DON'T believe as he does (being a "born again" and so called "christian") he BELIEVES (with all his heart and soul) that YOU will go to hell. All I can say is, I've heard Bono say it. Bono had a chance to truly disown and disavow GWBush, but did not.
About Barack Obama
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Franken's First Bill: Service Dogs For Vets

TOTALLY!! TOTALLY!!! Franken's a Genius. He already IS and will be a GREAT senator. Just watch. Bad-ass man.
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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bono Dodges A Hug From President Bush

It's TOO late dude. Too, too late; I won't say "sell out", but Bono, no matter what he SAYS, is no PUNKER. Bono belongs on C STREET with the other Born Agains. A fundamentalist Fascist is what
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