Someone HAS to do something about the Facist Fox Faux News reality star, Mr. Billshite O'Really. SOMEONE...SOMETHING!!! Everybody else gives the guy "time" when he makes his little book rounds on the talk shows. Why doesn't ANYONE (besides Herr Olbermann) call this guy out for the charlatan that he is? WHY?!! He doesn't even "spin" the so called "news" on his show; he out and out LIES everyday! He (sadly) controls what a few million (ignorant and old) "folks" actually think. The only people that actually calls him out is HERR OLBERMANN and the genius, "Stephan Col-bear". Dave, KINDA calls him out makes him look the foolio he is; Occasionally. Who else will point the BARBAROUS TRUTH out about this mendacity filled fascist hate monger? WHO?
About Bill O'Reilly
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