I can't figure out where your comment is coming from. Maybe, as it reads, you're taking the "Let's not lower ourselves" path; I don't know. I don't know But, that fair minded, mellow, non aggressive "level headed" liberal thing just won't wash anymore if this evolution of socio/politico change along with OUR revolution for a more equitable, life, liberty and PURSUIT of happiness, is gonna work with our new president and all that hopefully comes with him. "I think MO can handle it, the whole planet is in love with her.." is that a justification to allow this kind of life retarding hate rhetoric to stay alive? "And aren't we all related to gorillas?" The more I re-read the more I feel like you're trying to be a "intelligent" right wing racist, who, in your mind as infiltrated our world. I'm getting a Fascist Fox Faux News Mr. Billshit O'Really vibe from that statement. "I remember laughing at tons of Bush chimp photos." Tons of Bush chimp photos? Why are you trying to cosign this brutally racist, anti American hate propaganda? This kind of stuff, Rush, the GOP staffer with the "spook" art and the intellectually false mendacity of the claim of "reverse Racism" has got to be, at the least SHUNNED, PUT DOWN, VILIFIED and OSTRACIZED. I have the audacity to hope I'm wrong about you and your misguided opinions.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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