Palin, what a snitch. I bet she was a hall monitor in jr. high; sticking her nose in others biz, condemning crap she has NO right too and being the pig that ruins anything that doesn't go with her fundamentalist insanity. She wants to give "A shout out" Just think of the phony phone call with the faux Nicolas Sarcozy and that horrible Klondike Pete (or Pierre) French Canadian trapper voice "And we en-joy zee moo-vee "Nay-lin Pa-lin!" She had NO clue. OR, A quick vision of her "witch doctor" preacher. OR, the overtures (LIES) of president Obama is maybe a terrorist? Or a "Muslim"? (like there's NO difference) OR, a very (VERY) simple question is asked "what do you read?" Her response, priceless. it's then turned around (OR, TOTALLY turned around) with that insanely ignorant right wing revisionist history (OR, just plain LIES) that Katie Couric was posing a "GOTCHA!" question because of her "left wing media bias" It doesn't stop; and as much as I love (really, LOVE) the Mad Hatter (little Stevie Col-burt. And he is AS MAD AS A HATTER) I wish Steven along with THE ENTIRE NATION, would give this shining example of "A fine christian woman" (VIZ. William S. Burroughs "A Thanksgiving prayer") no time whatsoever. Again, CLEAR THINKING AMERICANS SHOULD GIVE THIS WOMAN NO TIME WHAT SO EVER. That is all.
About Stephen Colbert
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