Skip Gates is 5'6", a HUGE difference from 5'8" (tho let us not be pedantic, for the love of Dog) and one leg shorter then the other, so without a cane, he's got that "hipster" walk. The cop was wrong as USUAL when it comes to a point of ego, power or civility. But worse, FAR FAR WORSE, is the way this is dealt with and abused by the Fascist Fox Faux News their "fair minded folks" who watch and believe the mendacity filled shows 24/7, with desperation, baited breath and "ein Volk" like nirvana of early 1930's Deustchland; Them AND the GOP. Also, indulge me and consider this: forget trying to obtain "fairness" on MSNBC; Pat Buchanan needs to go. He's as ignorant as a Fox regular, a birther, tea-bagger, squid-billy or whatever label fits for non fair minded folk filled with resentment (for whatever reason) and/or false selective memory of "the good old days. Enough coddling. I'm sorry to sound like them, but if they are going to go all out (all out, dig?) and do WHATEVER to stop this evolution of socio/politico change, SOMEONE needs to do SOMETHING.....
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