Since YOU are the only "True Blue American" here, again, SO WHAT! RESPECT? You don't know the meaning of the word. From your "Davis you liberal" fling, are you part of the "white, Christian, male power structure" with the man who made the statement (WITH J. McCain) Mr. Billshit O'Really of The Fascist Fox Faux News? (He's lookin' out for YOU!) Maybe you're related to a cop? I can't be TOO far off. I agree with CIVILITY all around. BUT, Officer Gates should have said "I'm sorry for the inconvenience." Period. Got in his car, and DROVE AWAY. EVEN IFS: After showing his ID (especially IN his house) Prof. Gates said "Ok, satisfied? You F-ing racist pig!" The policeman STILL should have gotten in his car and driven away. That is all. (So sorry to SEEM to racially profile you (I really do it by "class" not "race" but you're "disturbing the peace".) You're funny; tho sadly; and far from the truth.
About Barack Obama
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