It's the insane or institutionally hateful (not wanting to label) like Jim D. Adkisson and now after your last sentence, obviously YOU; Not-True Blue American. You're True Blue ANTI-American. Sadly, us on the left and fair minded folk on the right (lord, I hope there's some) who has put up with the far rights insanity and dare I say it: evilness, for TOO LONG. This NOT revo-, but EVOLUTION of socio/politico change bringing a more equitable American life, liberty and PURSUIT of happiness, is in a natural course for a democratic/republic. There's always ignorant haters of the old world that must DIE OFF for our society as whole to continue down a path of growth and hopefully happy destiny. So, I'll say it in a way YOU the only (laughably) "true blue americans" BRING IT ON and Semper Fi Mutha-fugga!
About Barack Obama
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