Look, he's just a kid any way you look at it. And remember, he wasn't talkin' about shite 'till that horrible woman f*@#d with him (as most American, white trash mother-in-law(s) do) using her "power" as governor and neo-con-man chick of the year. If they (Palin and crew) wouldn't have messed with him, HIS relationship with Bristol Palin and THEIR child (his seed, I hope, not Todd's) he would've, most likely, never opened his mouth and spewed the insipid truth about the odious, hate mongering, Sara "fantasy neo-con-woman" Palin. BTW, that song is weak. It's just not good. Then again, neither is this whole scene or the time I've wasted on it, let alone the rest of the world.
About Levi Johnston
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