Totally. Tho, SINGLE PAYER "OPTIONS" (and that means EVERYONE folks!) is really the ONLY way to go. If you wanna pay for "Better Health Care" so be it. THAT would truly bring "competition". Competition. (he said disgustedly) I'm so done with the so called "right" and these "real" Americans. Them, the guys running the Credit Card hustle and these UN-AMERICAN leaders of the insurance companies (Wall Street? yes, without doubt) all, dig, ALL, need to be taken out from behind the skirts of Lady Liberty and introduced to the cold embrace of Madame Guillotine. Do I REALLY want to see "Heads Roll"? No. But will these neo-con-men understand anything else? Perhaps THEN, we'll see (and feel) REAL change we can believe in. Dig?
About Max Baucus
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