GOOD ONE JOE! GOOD ONE! BAD-ASS! Joe The Scar-bro man! I APPLAUD YOU! The bummer is, Joe, there just might be too many "fans" of the Fox so called "news", that might not understand this evolution of socio/politico change for a more EQUITABLE life, liberty and PURSUIT of happiness, and they will do (seemingly and rhetorically) ANYTHING to stop our president, us and the progress of America under the guise of being omnipotent, omniscient "real" Americans. ERGO: for "real" change, those "real" Americans MIGHT have to be taken from hiding ,under the skirts of Lady Liberty and placed in the cold, cold embrace, of Madame Guillotine; I'm not advocating that, I SWEAR! And I would hate (desolé, mon ami!) for that type of "hate" to happen, even rhetorically. Truly. For now, I'll back Joe the Scarbro man and TRY for the civilities. But, I gotta say: "I just got a bad feeling about this one man... a bad feeling." None the less, thank you Joe. I swear I'LL try. Thank you.
About Barack Obama
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