President Obama To Appear On "60 Minutes" Sunday
Oh yes, and like another GOOD president, FDR, I hope our leader starts with the digital version of "The Fireside Chats" how refreshing; a leader and crew that actually cares about it's people and shares his plans and workings of OUR struggle on the road of liberty to a much more inclusively even, fair, working of our inalienable rights from birth; a more equitable and honest life, liberty and PURSUIT, of happiness. Dig now?
posted Mar 17, 2009 at 19:00:22
Fox's Glenn Beck Weeps, Shep Smith Mocks (VIDEO)
YES! YES!YES!YES!! Finally, a REAL American that "gets" it! He and THEY, all the other "real Americans" that have no new ideas for truly helping OUR country get on within this genius evolution of social change. They, the REAL AMERICANS, should have their OWN country! Just not in the North American continent. Maybe Guyana. Dig: BECK-TOWN next door to PALINVILLE all residing in "LIMBAUGHLAND"! I swear to the supposed God that SOMEONE has got to find film or jpegs of GLEN BECK, in a BATH HOUSE, in an ORPHANAGE, in THAILAND WITH a 13 year old LADYBOY. Please someone, come forward, surface with these photos or film so we can finally be finished with him and THEM. (just like THEY did to Scott Ritter. EXACTLY.)
posted Mar 16, 2009 at 16:31:37
Ari Fleischer Battles Chris Matthews, Calls Him "Shameful" And "Disingenuous" (VIDEO)
Regurgitate? Hate America? Dude, EVERYTHING you just wrote is is a rehash of talking points from the so called "right". EVERYTHING. To even infer that I/we "hate" America, shows the "herd mentality that you obviously don't see in the mirror everyday. The insipidly, bigoted, pedantic, fundamentalist fear that sadly, you live with by not being able to work within this time of AMERICAN social evolutionary change, that our great people of these United States has demanded, and our inclusive, brilliant, COMMUNICATIVE President, Barack Hussein Obama, effectuates everyday, is proof of your non-creative "talking in the mirror" like the rest of the "right wing" pundits that TRULY, as you admit, "regurgitate(s) the hate America talking points fed you by the propagandists at ___________" fill in the blank un-Lucky Lief! With any of the lies told, for a huge amount of money, from either Bill O, Sean H, G. Beck, G.Goldberg the trans gendered A. Coulter his/her lover Rush and WHOMEVER else. You folks TWIST and SPIN EVERYTHING, that doesn't fit how you want it. You and your kind take "dissent", then conveniently try to change the TRUTH of the BASIS of it. If you don't like things, find an alternative that works for MOST people. Dig? MOST as in more votes in a honest way. I'm sorry folks, how can you argue with a Fascist mentality. Oh well, love, Mr. Zip from FRISCO
posted Mar 12, 2009 at 17:40:13
Ari Fleischer Battles Chris Matthews, Calls Him "Shameful" And "Disingenuous" (VIDEO)
Revisionist history again. IT MUST BE STOPPED, Look, Ari says "After September 11th having been hit once how could we take a chance that Saddam might strike again? And that's the threat that has been removed and I think we are all safer with that threat removed." ARI, Saddam didn't do it. Osama Bin Laden did. Maybe I'm paranoid, but we seem to have lots of ignorant folks as countrymen that will BELIEVE the shite Ari and his pals put out. Enough. Stop it. If they can't tell the truth. SHAME them out. (as the biggest liar, Bill O'Reilly says) C. M. Don't let the LIARS on Hardball or anywhere. No prob. with the other party. They can be Fascist all they want; just don't impose it on me or lie about the rest. Please media. SHUN THEM.
posted Mar 12, 2009 at 11:26:21
Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston Split Up: CONFIRMED
Totally. Stagebandman nails it. Fully. Done. Nuff said.
posted Mar 11, 2009 at 15:41:36
Sarah Palin's $180K Wardrobe Still At Large: Report
Whoever heard it, feared it first. The fascist propaganda of the real-American right! And aren't they always right?
posted Mar 05, 2009 at 18:06:35
Sarah Palin's $180K Wardrobe Still At Large: Report
I guess you're getting the "fair + Balanced news from "the factor" and the REAL American news from Sean's America. I don't know how to respond to you or your kind, except, that natural selection will eventually weed you all out! Either that or get over your fears, bigotry and embrace this evolution of soicail change. (or get "responsible" and go to the shelter with Glen Beck. Oh, I forgot, YOU'LL go rto the shelter and G. Beck will spend what you call "change". LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted Mar 05, 2009 at 18:03:23
Tonya Harding Slams Barack Obama: "He Has To Bring Me Up?!" (VIDEO)
This is from 2007?!! Why show this? Oh yeah, it's BERNIE GOLDBERG who HATES our Prez B.H.Obama. Is the H. Post trying to remind us that ONCE he was a journalist? Don't you think he gets enough exposure on Fox not News? His rants of mendacity with the insipid pedantic bigoted propagandist O'Reilly are on almost everyday! I think 3 or 4 times a week Bill O'The Liar gives him time. WHY give ANY to him OR that....C'mon! Paid her debt to society? She paid her debt for getting caught. Sad. Her reasoning is so twisted, but look who gave HER the time... She's a classic case, along with Bernie and Bill, of why these people should get NO PLAY WHAT SO EVER. none. Again, they will never, them and folks like them, ever be able to accept our president Barack Hussein Obama or ANY kind of this positive evolution of social change. So, what do we do when a member in "evolution" can't keep up? Natural selection....dig?
posted Mar 05, 2009 at 15:09:40
Caption This Photo, Vote For Friday's Best, See Thursday's Winner
"But I don't wana suck it Mister Limbaugh! I wana dance!" (pronounced Limbo)
posted Mar 02, 2009 at 17:17:13
Malika Calhoun Early Show Interview: Teen Discusses Police Beating (VIDEO)
It's not just race, (down to the core) IF at all; it's about fascism. It's about class war. It's fact about the "right" and their "TOADIES!" that are now seeing and having to deal with, real evolutionary social change. They are so pissed that B.H.O. is the prez and "A Change is gonna come" has truly started! As happy as I am about that, they aren't just angry, I think they're terrified! Listen how they go on (Rush and such) What happened to this young girl has happened for years and YEARS. I'm afraid it's gonna happen more and MORE and maybe more deadly. Racism and other divisive, authoritative tactics, have always been used so we don't look at "THEM". Hopefully, her story and ANY OTHERS, well be shown LOUDLY by the media. Besides FIRING and PROSECUTING these guys, WE should shame the people that have instituted and supported this kind of attitude and "moral majority" way of life, that call the policemen's actions an "escalation of force" or justifiable justice and "FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCES".
posted Mar 02, 2009 at 17:10:12
Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat Idiot* -- Wants U.S. to Fail, Claims "Creator" Language in Declaration is Preamble to Constitution, Then Gets Constitution Award from CPAC
Think about the 3300 Americans that (many) gave their lives by joining the A. Lincoln brigade and going to fight Hitler and FASCISM in 1935-1939 in the Spanish civil war. They were called "un-American". As I am writing this, I'm also monitoring Sean Hannity's radio show with Guest Newt Grintch (live 3/2/09). Newt just said that "If the "democrats" aren't the party of Bill Ayres (then) we aren't the party of Rush Limbaugh." It's statements like this (and thousands of others that everyone could post) that proves that THESE people, the fascist "right", must step out if the way while we work to try to RIGHT THESE WRONGS THEY'VE CREATED, so there is a more even, fair and balanced, life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. C'mon folks, it's time. No more Mr. nice Guy. These people, these liars, on every level we can find, should be publicly SHAMED. Just like Uncle Bill O'Reilly says, "Shame them and publicly humiliate them." The sad thing is, they think they already were; the election of President Barak Hussein Obama and the beginning of true evolutionary social change.
posted Mar 02, 2009 at 16:19:25
Caption This Photo, Vote For Yesterday's Best, See Wednesday's Winner
"...want some candy little boy?"
posted Feb 27, 2009 at 13:21:05
Matt Lauer Calls Out Rick Santelli For Claiming The White House Threatened Him (VIDEO)
It's never to late! Thank the supposed God that Matt spoke up. It's time to make these kind of folks, on either side, be called out for what they are: insipid liars and dangerously pedantic cowards, of the ilk that would ruin for everyone (OMG IMA SOCIALIST) the PURSUIT of happiness, because they aren't; due to their "fundamental difference" IE: fear, bigotry, ignorance. 1st. stand up to the bully 2nd make them irrelevant. And, If they can not or will not, DO NOT include them. It's up to them not us. Sorry I'm so simple; but we have a society that prevents us (me) from physically stopping the Fascist. Confronting, exposing and then render them useless by shunning, might be the only way to keep this evolutionary social progress that we have, to keep on.
posted Feb 26, 2009 at 16:14:58
White House Watermelon Email From California Mayor Dean Grose Inspires Outrage
Thank (the supposed) god that 1/2 of 'em don't know who Ted Haggard is, hopefully 1 day it'll work like that. Little by little, more + more, the far right, Biil-O, the Manatee, Rush the Limbo, Glen the Fascist, all those blonde aryan women the "FOXes", the transgendered one, Anne Coulter and ANY folks that out of fear, bigotry and ignorance of compassionate, positive evolutionary social change just get forgotten. No more attention. No time, because no-one wants/needs to hear it. No more SERIOUS(?) debates on creationism or why we shouldn't help people without. No more accepting, giving ANY time to those that claim ignorance when spouting racist rhetoric. One day, no more worrying that Fascist might rule our lives again. One day. ONE DAY!
posted Feb 25, 2009 at 18:56:59
Ziegler Vs. Lauer: Palin Documentarian Confronts "Today" Host (VIDEO)
WHY, oh why, do they (we) allow people like this this guy, to seem legitimate? To have ANY time? Historical record? Facts? FACTS!? His statements (that he calls: facts) aren't even opinions, they're lies. He's selling something and very well may "believe" what he's trying to sell. I monitor msnbc, and Mr. O "slant" a bit liberal (if not totally) but he DOES NOT TELL/REPORT LIES. I monitor the Fox (news?) and they don't only slant right, they tell/report out and out lies. WE, the people, have to soon make it known, that WE will NOT tolerate people who (get media time) and are presenting LIES, as opposed to their opinion. To give this guy ANY forum at all, when he says it's not his opinion, but proves fact, should hopefully soon, not be tolerated. The more we allow (trying to prove how "fair" WE are) people of the opposition (and our side) to lie, spread fear and dissent thru mendacity and propaganda, we help them on their holy war to stop the evolution of social change. ERGO: we stay the same. As funny as "they" are at times, it's wasting all of ours.
posted Feb 23, 2009 at 16:11:26
GOP Senator Jim Bunning: Justice Ginsburg Will Be Dead In Nine Months
I apologize about my last post; My thoughts and prayers are with the real Americans and the far right in their time of such fearful, apocalyptical, change.
posted Feb 23, 2009 at 15:32:45
GOP Senator Jim Bunning: Justice Ginsburg Will Be Dead In Nine Months
We as a people (nation) have got to make it understood that it's unacceptable to use the phrase "My (our) thoughts and prayers..." it's got to go from the lexicon. Those that "use" it, usually when making a statement to a statement about something they said previously, that was brutal, rude, insensitive or just plain "real American" stupid. They can't think of something else to say? It's become a throw away line like, "The American people know_____" or like the ones that usually contain the words : pork, ear-marks, "real", socialist, un-American, hates and many, many others that scroll next to the talking head with their 'Talking Points". It's all SO old and needs to go.
posted Feb 23, 2009 at 15:27:33
SNL Republican Meeting Mocked In Opening Skit, Dan Aykroyd Guest Stars (VIDEO)
Sorry folks...that 2nd posting was an accident.
posted Feb 16, 2009 at 23:59:09
SNL Republican Meeting Mocked In Opening Skit, Dan Aykroyd Guest Stars (VIDEO)
I think it wasn't funny because ? : BECAUSE IT WASN'T FUNNY! It happens. More often then not. If anything, perhaps, it was just a little too close to the truth on how these folks are perceived to act/think; and from the things they say ALL DAY in interviews most of you don't see, unless you have 4 channels goin' at once, all day. Granted, the "opinion" part of the afore wrote, is from me and most of my friends. And what do we know? Not much, we're just the people that have watched these folks, year in and out, bring us to where we are right now. And more importantly, when we dissented from their ideas actions (since then US proven correct) from when THEY had the votes and the oval room, the last Prez+policies, we were branded traitors, un-American and all around bad people. WE were affected by THEIR fear, prejudice and insipidly, pedantic, fundamentalism. Also, they have NO new alternative ideas or plans to what OUR president of THESE United States, Barack Hussein Obama and his administration are implementing to allow ALL OF US to participate in a (better?) more FAIR + BALANCED pursuit of happiness. Then again, what do I know? I'm just an artist with no formal schooling past the LAUSD 8th grade.
posted Feb 16, 2009 at 23:58:29
SNL Republican Meeting Mocked In Opening Skit, Dan Aykroyd Guest Stars (VIDEO)
I think it wasn't funny because ? : BECAUSE IT WASN'T FUNNY! It happens. More often then not. If anything, perhaps, it was just a little too close to the truth on how these folks are perceived to act/think; and from the things they say ALL DAY in interviews most of you don't see, unless you have 4 channels goin' at once, all day. Granted, the "opinion" part of the afore wrote, is from me and most of my friends. And what do we know? Not much, we're just the people that have watched these folks, year in and out, bring us to where we are right now. And more importantly, when we dissented from their ideas actions (since then US proven correct) from when THEY had the votes and the oval room, the last Prez+policies, we were branded traitors, un-American and all around bad people. WE were affected by THEIR fear, prejudice and insipidly, pedantic, fundamentalism. Also, they have NO new alternative ideas or plans to what OUR president of THESE United States, Barack Hussein Obama and his administration are implementing to allow ALL OF US to participate in a (better?) more FAIR + BALANCED pursuit of happiness. Then again, what do I know? I'm just an artist with no formal schooling past the LAUSD 8th grade.
posted Feb 16, 2009 at 22:28:08
SNL Republican Meeting Mocked In Opening Skit, Dan Aykroyd Guest Stars (VIDEO)
They probably were (that Dan A. was portraying Bob Dole) and I think he did...ONCE; it was Norm MacDonald that was so GENIUS as Bob Dole. Yes, "them" arguing over Sean the Manatee and Rush Limbo would most likely NOT happen. But, to everyones main point, I think, it wasn't funny, 'cause why? : BECAUSE IT WASN'T FUNNY! It happens. More often then not. If anything, perhaps, it was just a little too close to the truth on how these folks are perceived to act/think; granted, from me and most of my friends. And what do we know? Not much, we're just the people that have watched these folks, year in and out, bring us to where we are right now. And more importantly, (besides when we dissented from the ideas + actions from the last Prez+policies, we were branded traitors, un-American and all around bad people) WE were affected by THEIR fear, prejudice and insipidly, pedantic, fundamentalism. Also, they have NO new alternative ideas or plans to what OUR president of THESE United States, Barack Hussein Obama and his administration are implementing to allow ALL OF US to participate in a (better?) more FAIR + BALANCED pursuit of happiness. Then again, what do I know? I'm just an artist with no formal schooling past the LAUSD 8th grade.
posted Feb 16, 2009 at 22:20:22
SNL Republican Meeting Mocked In Opening Skit, Dan Aykroyd Guest Stars (VIDEO)
WHY NO ONE THOUGHT THE SNL GOP SKIT FUNNY (tho, did you weep, brother+sister citizen?) BECAUSE, WHY?: because it was way, way to close to the TRUTH. Many bits, or skits if you wish, of social/political parody, when they get things TOO right on, are considered before their time, AFTER the time and quite uncomfortable during; as it was last night. No one WANTS the GOP to be like they were/are portrayed on SNL, but the sad thing is, that's how they are! And in these times, for good or bad, we as a people are growing out of THAT behavior. Admittedly, 55 million PLUS American voters, did not for Barak Hussein Obama. Was it because they really thought Johnny Mac and the GOP would truly take them and the rest of the country into the change and leadership that we all need in these fearful, hard and soon to be horribly hard, trying times ahead? I think not. I think fears, prejudice and "just plain folks" (Think of S. Palin and "LONESOME RHODES" Budd Schulberg, Elia Kazan and Andy Giffiths creation) like American ignorance, is what has left us with this "disloyal opposition" as the other side (led by the lying demagogue Rush and his lovers, the FOX NEWS folks) called ANYONE, who disagreed with an ILLEGAL war and the bullying, pedantic, mendacity of the Bush administration and their followers. No, it wasn't funny because it was all too, too real.
posted Feb 15, 2009 at 18:02:45