Hate Obama? Bush the jr. DID fail; nab or kill BIN LADEN. Fact. Sept. 11th 2001 happened when? QUITE. 8 months into Jr's term. It was "Clinton's fault"? "The surge worked. PERIOD and if you don't say so, you hate America!" The "surge" ain't over yet. NOT 'till WE are GONE from an ILLEGAL war WE started. The "surge" HAS worked FOR A BIT; we paid "protection" money to thugs like a grocer in 1930 paid to the Mafia (oh, HOOVER said there wasn't 1 then!) This selective sectarian memory the Hoovers have is astonishing to.. wait, sorry. NOT astonishing, just redundantly retarded. Same old jingoistic same ole'. "Surge" "war on terror" "mission accomplished" you guys just can't control your selves can you? The new Bill-shit O'Really directive of "Gen. Powell is done, was always a lefty; we failed to get Bin Laden because of HIM" goes straight to the mendacious blame of the "people still hate him, no matter what". YOU are PROJECTING once again. YOU Hoovers hate him. YOUR edict from the Hoover Institute of revisionist history has promulgated. WE (including YOU) have a really groovy thing goin' on with this "America" concept; it could be SO much cooler. If you can't "help" this vigorous virulent evolution of socio/politico change, then get some Prozac, take the "News" of the FOX logo and replace it with "entertainment" and watch us have a "surge" of our own. dig?
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