Hala-lou-ya! Rev. You're absolutely correct. It's VERY simple; "RACIST TRAITORS" Sorry to say, it's as simple as that. After watching the "NEW FFF NEWS!" (Fox Fascist Faux News) reality show "The Tea Parties" I say we help them to the America they want (and need!) They get their own REALITY SHOW! And their LEADERS star in it WITH THEM! To "help" along what they want (and deserve) we can have some people "arrested", "interrogated" and "re-edjumacated" (as said on Fox by a T.B. and self acclaimed "W.A.S.P. and a dyin' breed at that.."). The leader of "Real American Team" #1 Mr. Bill-shit O'Really. The LEADERS of "Real Patriot Team" and TWO at the same time: Glen "Bat House Beck" and his co-leader/"partner" Sean Mendacity Hannity. Rush is the STAR as he's in the middle of these 2 (TWO) teams struggling for survival, food and life, while trying to hunt RUSH down! LIVE on TV (only analog tho) a game based on William Golding's "LORD OF THE FLIES" (END PART 1 POST)
About Tax Day Tea Parties
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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