A bit touchy with all your post conn.orin, what? (is your 1st name neo?). Look, easy out for you mate: martyrdom. ANY "real" Christian (and any "real" Christians are the only "real" Americans; as SO many republican voters told us LAST fall) has a DUTY, my "friend", to their sky god. Martyrdom my friend. You and YOUR KIND would be SO much happier. I've read about 10 post of yours (and the cuomo fried guy) over the past 24 hours and the ONLY thing I can get from ANY of your responses or so called "I'm really a liberal AND a Tea Badger" statements, are mostly sour grapes that Barack Hussein Obama, was elected President of THESE united states; a brilliant, kind, conscious man, (even by 1 of your leaders measure; Mr. Bill-shit O'Really) I could get specific with your so called "questions" but you don't "ask" or "say" anything but the same tired, weak, tongue sticking out "Nuh uh!" Fox Faux-Naïf kinda stuff. Reading your post and others like you (cuomo flys) reminds of boys when they 1st discover phony phone calls, Playboys, masturbation and other obsessive adolescent like behavior.
About Tax Day Tea Parties
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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