Mad as in nuts like you? No. Mad as in angry yes. ERGO: Jan. 20th 2009. Look "my friend" I know you're sick, but dig: there's either a lack of "real" information or selective memory on your behalf. (and I'm being kind by 1/2) No one on the left (from the mild to the insane) are "..the biggest fans of Big Business and banking cartels.." tho the "fear" card has been played (the Boosh, mostly. Need I point out the war mongering + death he caused with it?) but it's the "fear" of living in a 1930's like state. Fear of our lives TOTALLY changing because of institutions "too big to fail" (tho like P. Krugman says, I'm 1 for letting them fail). What kills you to no end, even to the point of Tea types and Fox folks, wanting our prez to fail and the U.S. go Mad Max (to cut the nose off to spite the face/or pain) YOUR government allowed MORE than "Obama's" bail out cost! (LOST in taxes hid off shore. Why? The Boosh INSISTED) That and HIS pals, making BILLIONS on the war. BILLIONS! Torture trials? How about war PROFITEERING trials? WE have NO PROB demonstrating! But, for an informed and DECENT meaning. We did! And got called traitors, cowards + un-American. Tea Types : from USA! USA! to Guillotine! Guillotine! Big diff from marchin' for a reason and an ignorant mob marchin' for Fox.
About Tax Day Tea Parties
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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