Does name calling get you anywhere? Well, Karl Rove is a piece o' shite. Somebody, please ruin this guy, NOW. I just woke up. The 1st thing I HEAR (before coffee) is Karl Rove* ( *smug, calm, (un)cool insipidly intelligent, mendacious snitch type) calling Joe Biden a liar about a conversation VP Biden had with X Prez Bush*; (Rove minion, thinner, more hair, N. Eastern, SAME type) Tucker the Carlson* was ALSO bloviating; It irks, beyond. The 1st I READ is about Rove, last night while eating red meat, being confronted by (one of their own) Jason Roe, for his praxis agin' Roe's boss, Rep. Tom Feeney (R-Fla.). AGAIN, they "hate" America; except the GOP (Good Ole' Party) that the enlightened find hard to stomach. (well, not entirely; I would've dug a tryst w/Clara Bow but!) Not the least being politics and the behavior of our (THEIR) treatment of folks (foreign policy, outside the box thinkers and less advantaged folks, to name a few) Sorry to flog a dead hooker, but the "folks" (who their propaganda network, Fox Faux News claims to "look out for") demanded a metamorphous; ERGO: an evolution of social and political change. Hence, these guys will do NOTHING to help, and ALL to stop. Before coffee, I'll switch over and watch my favorite fantasy show for a few tics, The West Wing. Lordy, I wish a good old ass beatin' would set these idiots correct; it won't. It hasn't ever for me.
About Karl Rove
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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