No wonder you "created an account again". Oh, and Fox's Faux News Bill-shit O'Really is pedantically harping about "There's almost no hate on the right, like there is on the left..(Huffington Post and Daily Kos are "hate sites" featuring "vicious far-left attacks" based on his cherry-picked comments)"..and that there has not been any racism against Obama by any Republicans." He's got a little tool named Amanda Carpenter from the right-wing website not spinning, LYING. Here's one Bill-shit HAS NOT and WILL NOT report on: The NY Post NYC cops killing "stimulus Package" Chimp cartoon. That night and the next 2 his LEAD story was about the "chimp" that ripped the lady's face off! (Talking points had in big block letters, next to his Grand Kazoo head "CHIMPS SHOULD NOT DRIVE" It was SO, a brutally racist misinformation tool, that I laugh for fear of weeping) Here's JUST A FEW examples of NON RACIST REPUBLICAN FUN! (look them up Punkers!) : Obama Bucks, Sacramento County GOP Web site that showed Obama in a turban next to Osama bin Laden, Obama Waffles, the Obama monkey sock puppet, the monkey doll with an Obama sticker on it at the Palin rally.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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