TOTALLY! Jr. Pirate needs to clean his own back yard 1st. It's a shame and a contradiction to the rule when, "government" sponsored news is MORE honest and INFORMATIVE then a "private" news source. A "news" source that advertises "No Spin"; THEM and only them are "Fair and Balanced"; A "news" source that propagandizes everything it communicates with the smell of mendacity permeating the air it's broadcast on as it supposedly "looks out for YOU" I'll say it in the cant, low brow way that the "fans" of the Fox Faux News, Birthers, Baggers, Beckers, Palinites and other "Real Americans" can understand; They fuggin' LIE to you man, EVERYDAY and EVERY SHOW! About EVERYTHING! EXAMPLE: The manipulation of the very "FOLKS" that they claim to be "Looking out for" with this health care (non) "debate" that THEY, from the 1st, in a negative way, have named "Obama Care". Poor and ignorant working class "folks" (mostly, and mostly white) are being screwed out of the 1 thing, that would (if anybody) make THEIR lives SO much better is this (whatever you want to call it) Affordable or Universal or Socialized or just simply FREE for everyone "HEALTH CARE" THEY, of all "folks" would be helped out the most and THEY are being TOTALLY screwed out of it by Murdoch the younger, his dad and their pals, the so called "RIGHT", playing on their fear, prejudices and ignorance of fact. What a jack ass! He couldn't wipe the BBC'S teletype!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost