"Yo! Full recovery, you ain't gonna have one least you let the man have is say. Now SIT DOWN AND SHUD "UP". This is great. When the Fascist righties of 70 years ago called in STRIKE BUSTERS to stop decent, hard working men, to get a DECENT days pay, an 8 hour day and a few rights, the rich...SORRY, I mean the "RIGHT" called in the COPS and the STRIKE BUSTING SCABS to keep folks servile. But who ran to the workers side? THE MOB!!! So, now the UNIONS help us! I love it. Union dudes busting the heads of Birthers, Tea Baggers and straight up racist. GENIUS. But, I got a feeling, things are gonna get REAL brutal; That's A. OK tho. In history, things don't seem to change unless there's a little brutality and blood to help it along. BTW, "...like no dissent" huh? It ain't "dissent" and you know it! You haters would cut your nose off to spite (or despite) the face. WE NEED HEALTH CARE and like it or not, we need SOCIALIZED HEALTH CARE.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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