Another "Tania" perhaps? Tho because she's not "rich" (like Patty Hearst who ONLY did 2 years as opposed....forget it. Another day) and from El Dorado county (beautiful yet Brutal place) Placerville and all that surrounds, from Sacramento, it's suburbs, up to the foothills and thru the mountains to Tahoe, where it gets a bit "cooler"...dig? Placerville: a far right enclave also known as "Hang Town" (guess why?) filled with "Real" Americans, birthers, Baggers (tea), tweekers galore, Palinites, fans of Fox Faux news, revolutionist, sectionist, racist, fans of the fat junkie..oh, sorry "Ditto Heads".... and more paroled and probationer pedos then anywhere else in California and across to Tahoe; it's most likely the step father sold her after "trading Jpegs and Gifs" in the "budding" pre-teen years of the inter-webs.
About Crime
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