Another example that is NEVER ENDING. I'm so sorry to say, but once again. QUAERE: you know that word used as a phrase in psychology "PROJECTION"? The poor folks that listen to and believe Rush and the Fox folks (Tea Baggers, Birthers, Palinites and all their demagogues: Glen Bat House Beck, Hannity and "holmes" Mr. Billshit O'Really...etc.) and even more so the ones that WANT to believe that crap and know better; leaves me with this sad, sorry thought, that, tho dark fantasy for all those ignorant folks NOW, they are "PROJECTING" this distressing, brutal theory I have and pushing it to become true: (again, I apologize for even THINKING it, but...) we will never have or get REAL change, until, WE EXCHANGE LADY LIBERTY FOR MADAME GUILLOTINE. Sorry, sad, but I'm afraid true. I hope Za Za's H. Post doesn't flag this (for they have before) and I swear I don't wish this to be true. I'm not a hater, but I was raised and have lived among them (rich and poor) and see Rush and these other folks for what they are, dig?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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