No Brother, Fiddler DID have heart, he just didn't understand "being free" like Kunte did (Toby for you Fascist Fox Faux News Fans) and never lied to the young "Afri-can Man". Michael Steele, sadly, IS the modern day "Tio Thomas" (TOTALLY) and another prime example that we'll never get "real change we can believe in" 'til we exchange Lady Liberty for Madame Guillotine; He should meet Madame Guillotine 1 day but, M. Steele should be 2nd in line AFTER Mr. Billshit O'Really, G. Bat House Beck and the Fat man..... I hope I don't see it 1 day, truly. Tho, I doubt things will change FOR REAL, if we don't see the poor old sister that push's the "Trader Joe's" shopping cart down the street, collecting bottles and cans (clap your hands) and then, sitting front row opposite Madame G. as M. Steele is on the platform, laying his head down and the old Sister's knitting something for someone while laughing and yelling "Guillotine! GUILLOTINE!" Just like in "The Scarlet Pimpernel". Dig?
About Michael Steele
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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