I'm sorry for speaking in such a low brow, cant way, but Mr. Bill Shit O'Really is SUCH a friggin' liar. It used to be the "No Spin Zone" and he's right, there is NO spin, it's ALL LIES! All, lies. Night after night. Jeffrey Immelt?! Like Karl Rove doesn't have a vested interest in being on his show EVERY WEEK! Like FOX wasn't spewing out talking points DIRECTED BY THE WHITE HOUSE during the Cheney/Bush Jr regime. Like he really cares about "Looking after the folks"; These poor people are going to be left so far behind and/OR, we are going to pay for it with our lives (mankind) not prospering a fast as we could with this Evolution (not REVOlution) of socio/politico change, hopefully bringing ALL of us a more EQUITABLE, life, liberty and PURSUIT of happiness, including those ignorant enough to watch and believe the Fascist Fox Faux News I don't want to sound like Glen Bat House Beck OR O'Really (think on Dr. Tiller) BUT, someone SHOULD do something about him AND them. Sadly, I guess change may not "really" come 'till Madame Guillotine takes the place of Lady Liberty.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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