Racism. Try "class". Just try. Even my "liberal Demo" pals won't admit it! You've obviously NEVER been in court for the "working" and "lower" classes; I grew up in them. A man from a COMPLETELY different class in society acts, reacts and deals with pain, loss+fear much different than a 1 whose family can afford a (at least) $100,000 education then is given ALMOST the same power as Dr. Mengele. "To the right is life, to left is death." Judges have too much disproportionate power. I've seen judges (many times) misunderstand a working class mans (white in this case) total, abject fear, about losing his family, his job, his life, after being in front of a judge for AN OPEN CONTAINER. Then after "showing an aggressive attitude from the look on his face" (judges words), the same Judge gave him 6 months for contempt. 1 of HUNDREDS if not thousands or MILLIONS of examples! (most fans of Fox SHOULD get the phrase "pay check to pay check" but from the folks they support it sure don't seem like it) That 10's of millions of "folks" lives, can/will unravel because of a perceived "disrespect" from someone with more power in society. (Judge, Cop, teacher, Boss, Bosses friend, scared person with MORE $$ and a higher place in this so called "free" American society, love it totally, tho I do) Anyways, I bet you thought Prof. Gates was correctly arrested for "disturbing the peace"! Huh?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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