Totally George. Linkins, I've never had a prob. with you but you're blowin' it dude! If what you say about Herr Olbermann is correct, it's a personality thing and who cares? O'Really and Fox lie night after night. They truly stopped the spin, but they put out full on fabrications. And their reasoning for trying to ruin this presidency ERGO our country has NOTHING to do with dissent! Night after night O'Really preaches hate and invents reasoning like a spoiled child "The far left did this when Bush was president and the MEDIA said nothing!" He's sick, twisted and gets paid a ton to be so. Imagine the poor ignorant fools that figure out his game 1 day....dig? If he doesn't get what HE preached on too Dr. Tiller, I'll be quite surprised. Linkins, and everyone else, believe me, if all don't band together against the haters like Billshit O'Really (ALL of Fox) Rush and the rest (you know who they are) REAL CHANGE, ain't EVER gonna come. Then sadly, It'll take 'till Lady Liberty is actually exchanged for Madame Guillotine.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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