I say what your idol said, except I'm telling the truth: "LIAR". Martyr yourself, so called "real" American. Trying to sneak 1 in? Your web site says "Impeach Barack Obama" for what? Trying for the 1st time in many, many years to create a more equitable life, liberty and PURSUIT of happiness? As opposed to your mendacity breading, right (so called) wing rehtoric and action? Haters of a decent life for most people and a socialy racist government for the many by the few is just more proof, proof given everyday, including last Sunday with a baseball stadium audience size gathering of either poorly informed, ignorant folks or lying Fox so called News fans made up primarily of Palinites, Beckers, Birthers, Baggers, Cheney Dicks, KKKers and their rich cousians (rep. idiot Joe Wilson) sons of the confederacy, neocon-men and many others including a populas of fear obbessed folk unwilling to grow with this evolution of socio/politico change brought on by the election (and HOPEFULLY) complete governence of President Obama, whom you despise and hate for no other reason then your bigotry and sad, unpreductive lives. Keep it up! Again, it's more (unneeded) proof that those types need to be taken from hiding under the skirts of Lady Liberty and introduced to Madame Guillotine.
About Tax Day Tea Parties
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