XCiz, (my Brother!) Once again speaks opinion as truth and is ABSOLUTELY correct! Maybe they're angry (and misery LOVES company) after they've realized the ALL TIME greatest, #1 hustle: modern day BORN AGAIN christianity! (The meek shall inherit the earth, render under Caesar what is his, homosexuals are... and other Dogma invented to keep the "folks" separate, "leaders" and slave owners a top and flourishing above ALL those "below" including non land owners) Perhaps it's waning? So, they cling to the #2 ALL TIME greatest hustle, perpetrated by those that have upon those that have not, or less. (with a "Casey Kasem" voice) : "And at #2 with a bullet, the all time greatest Hustle, shooting for #1...The American Dream!" You know, for "real" Americans! These past 8 months (+8 years) had them flourishing with their insipid, pedantic chants "This is a capitalist country" or "This is a Christian nation" and "JUST like the Founding Fathers wanted". Thankfully, we have defeated the "FFers" predilection for slavery; AND NOW (hopefully) their iniquitousness for this evil, unfettered capitalism that is bred alongside the pernicious ignorant superstition, can be thwarted during this EVOLUTION of socio/politico change, that started with the election of OUR President Barack Obama.
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