Wow! Finally, I absolutely agree with you "Alabama John" (does that name bring up any brutal humor to anyone but me?) It's ALL about a class struggle. Read a TRUE history of America and you''ll learn that BEFORE our Founding Fathers OFFERED A DEAL to those that wound up being THE first Army of the U.S.A. those "foot solders" that made up the RANKS and made it POSSIBLE TO CREATE A UNITED STATES, almost ALL, different "folks" in race, religion, creed and culture, yet (pretty much) "agreed" with one another and helped one another happily when possible to SURVIVE; they were, time served indentured servants, free (and run away) slaves, poor (and I mean POOR) immigrants AND the local NATIVE AMERICANS, whom were united 'til right AFTER they had made it POSSIBLE to win our REVOLUTION. (the war part that is) After that, the "gentry" land owners, "surveyors", bankers, lawyers, BIG farmers, you know, the FATHERS of our country, started succeeding in this "CLASS WAR" by pitting US again' EACH OTHER, creating "good" Americans V. "Bad" Americans. Just look at the "Fans" of the "Fox so called News" who would be MOST HELPED as much as ANYBODY, with what "progressives" are trying to enact in this EVOLUTION of socio/politico change so recently helped along by the election of OUR, President Barack Obama.
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