AND, Ohiofool, what does that have to do with the FACT that Glen beck HATES the victims of 911? FACT, look up ANYTHING he's said about them. Oh, and as far "bash it" and "make fun" of those involved as "right wing" and "racist", no one NEEDS to "bash it" and "make fun of all involved"; they do that themselves! (obviously) and if you can't see that, well, perhaps you need to look in a mirror or take a class or see a shrink. Good example of those on Fox so called news and their followers who always claim (Mr. Billshit O'Really, every show) that "There is no racism anymore!" Hopefully this evolution of socio/politico change, with the election of President Barack Obama, will keep GROWING and the "real American" kind, will die out like the dinosaurs. Oh yeah, they don't think there's any dinosaurs either, just like racism. If it wasn't SO sad, I'd continue to laugh my ass off at yo.....I mean, "them".
About Glenn Beck
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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