I've been between laughing my ass off all morning watching CSPAN and being in AWE at the ignorance, misinformation and lies, with constant SHOUT OUT'S "We love you Fox news!" The "JOE WILSON IS OUR HERO!" posters. Proof of us "..turning into Russia because of all the CZARS". Almost the whole crowd (on cspan) is white. There are a few African/American "speakers" who are introduced as "..Real Americans not socialist" One I just saw, named Mason Weaver, a "motivational speaker" said "It's not Hope and change..it's rope and chains!" and then, like so many other things I've heard today, things that make NO sense, he said "How dare they say this is about race! They have us divided by our differences!" (???) The DICK ARMEY was quoting from the pre amble of the constitution and kept "accidently" replacing the word "Republic" with REPUBLICAN. And yes posters of President Obama w/an Adolph mustache. RIGHT WING RAPPERS! Whose last lines in their anti-Obama song was "..without a prompter you ain't ar-tic-u-late, go get yo birf cer-tif-i-cate". And the white folks cheered!
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