Absolutely. "Hoodwinked! Run amok!..." and yes they think THEY discovered and OWN Plymouth Rock. I don't think Brother Malcolm would see MUCH of a difference from "some" folks if he gave us a visit and/or watched 1 day + night THEIR flagship, the racist and fascist (is that redundant?) Fox "News". It is SO obvious, to anyone with even a some what clear/true view of America and/or life in general. FOX "NEWS" : I am AMAZED, that ANYTHING, again, ANYTHING, is taken the least bit seriously by ANYONE, by that very successful propaganda wing of and for anybody and anything "right" of center; KKKers who are now known as "the sons of the confederacy" . Standing by their side are: Birthers, Beckers, Baggers, Drudgers, Palinites, DHDers (ditto head drugsters) and all those other "real" Americans, that listen to this agitprop as if it's gospel! Excoriated by the insipidly odious, mendacious, neoconman, Mr. Bill-shit O'Really.
About Glenn Beck
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