The sad thing is, the MODERATORS let tons of "right" wing bile be spewed up and allows almost all no matter how odious; and edits out ANY aggressiveness, no mater how much justified, from the more liberal or "left" of us. They're trying to show that we, "lefty" and "liberal" types are above the confrontational and baser emotions and actions like "them"; the bummer for me is, I am one lefty pink-o liberal that is FINISHED with their hateful, insipidly draconian and archaic sociopolitical life styles and WILL slap the pish out of Mr. Billshit O'Really, Rush, Bat House Beck or ANY of those "folks" (Fanatics of Fox propaganda Corp.) that are and WILL try, by ANY means necessary, to ruin America and the best president in a long time, tying stifle this EVOLUTION socio/politico change hopefully leading to a more equitable life, liberty and PURSUIT of happiness.
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