Yes. I'm older than 10 (but barely) are you a lump? I bet so, being so "proud" to be a moderate; a moderate! I bet you think Bill-shite O'Really at FoxFaux has "some good things to say now and again" (?) Look, she's a pig (in the trough) she works for a propaganda filled CORP. who wouldn't give a red haired turd if you MODERATELY bleed to death and I'll have NO PROBLEM doing so for her and THEM while seeing her and THEIR head(s) roll once Madame Guillotine takes the place of Lady Liberty. I think it's the so called "moderates" that are holding us back from "real change we can believe in" I bet you like this Bachus bill too 'cause it's "fair to the ins. companies" WAKE UP! or, watch EVERYTHING stay the same OTHER than having a brother in the white house. xo
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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